Outreach Programs BRING WILDROCK TO YOU!

Let us bring the power of nature play to your school with a hands-on outreach program!
All Wildrock programs include inquiry-based, learner-led, playful exploration.

Outreach programs are led by a Wildrock educator on site at your school. Each standards-aligned, play-based program centers around a different theme.

Outreach Program MENU

Select a program from the menu below. Programs can be tailored to incorporate your specific learning goals.

Nature Friends (PreK) Nature Friends is Wildrock's play-based nature connection program for early learners! In each session, students rotate through stations featuring animal story time, sensory play, and child-led inquiry or dramatic play. Register for a single program or a bundle of visits throughout the year, each featuring a different theme.

Tiny Worlds (Grades K-12)

Students use a digital microscope to explore a whole new perspective on insects and invertebrates. They'll learn about what these amazing organisms need to thrive in our backyards, practicing mindfulness and perspective-shifting along the way. Across all grade levels, this program supports social and emotional learning by encouraging developmentally-appropriate creative thinking, critical thinking, and citizenship through playful, inquiry-based nature study. This program is aligned with life processes, living systems, and life sciences standards of learning.  Requires access to electricity.

K.6, 1.5, 2.4, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.8, 4.5, 5.5, 6.1, LS.3, LS.4, LS.6, LS.8, LS.9

Ecosystem Engineers (Grades K-12)

How do animals change their environments to better meet their needs? From bunny burrows to beaver dams, students will explore how some animals engineer their habitats and will have a chance to flex their engineering muscles with collaborative, creative STEM challenges using life-size building toys. Across all grade levels, this program supports social and emotional learning by encouraging developmentally-appropriate collaboration, creative thinking, and citizenship through outdoor, play-based engineering. Additionally, the program is aligned with life processes, living systems, and life sciences standards of learning. 

K.7, 1.5, 2.5, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.5, 5.5, 6.7, LS.6, LS.8, LS.10

Wild About Animals (Grades K-5)

Get up close and personal with one of Wildrock's animal ambassadors! Students will have the chance to meet-and-greet a live animal and investigate what makes a great habitat.

Invasive Species Workshop (Grades 3-6)

What is an invasive species, and what can we do to help slow their spread? Learn the fascinating stories of some of the Piedmont's most problematic new plants and animals and explore innovative solutions to the challenges they pose.

Tree Talk (Grades 3-6)

Trees are (thankfully!) all around us. What adaptations help these giants of the plant kingdom survive and thrive? What role do they play in our ecosystem? Students will answer these questions and more as they investigate trees and understand their value to humans and wildlife.

Email yvonne@wildrock.org to schedule or learn more!

Program duration is 30-60 minutes depending on school schedule. Cost is $100/program, with discounts available for schools booking multiple consecutive programs (e.g. for a full grade level). Program fees are non-refundable. Program capacity is up to 24 children or a single classroom. Programs except for Tiny Worlds are designed to take place outdoors, but can be adapted to indoor environments as well.

For more information or if you have specific questions, reach out to yvonne@wildrock.org.

Schedule your Outreach program today!

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